8 Simple Ways To Feel Happier in Life

Happy Image courtesy of Rodnae Pexels

If you are looking for ways to be happier in life then read on as we’ve put together 8 ways to be happy! These happiness tips are shared from people who overcame their past struggles and learned how to be happy and live on their terms.

Happiness is a state that most people long for. So why do so many people fail to find happiness and can anyone learn to be happy. Let’s go!

Why Is it Hard to be Happy

As children most children are happy by nature, but throughout life we are told what to think and feel. We also take on the energy and beliefs of others. And as a result who we are becomes shaped by society, those around us as well as our own make up. On top of all of this there are many other factors such as the norms of what will make us happy, and before we know it the simple things in life that create that happy place get lost.

feel happier in life

If we are honest we have been taught that happiness comes by having lots of ‘things’. that make us happy But when these little indulgences are gone, the buzz of ‘happiness’ quickly turns dull. Through life we learn that real happiness comes from within. And, similar to that of like building muscles we can train our to become happier by practicing ways to feel happier.

In this guide let’s talk about 8 ways to be happier that you can start today. By doing this you will discover what really makes you happy. Happiness comes in the simplest things and is part of living a life purpose and passion in life.

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Can Anyone be Happy

What does it really take to be happy? Happiness, is one of those things you either have or don’t have based on the combination of life circumstances and natural disposition. But the good news is if you are not happy by nature you can learn. Living a life with purpose and meaning and happiness is crucial, and more so as we age.

You are worthy of living a wonderful life and you deserve to be happy.

Here are 8 ways to feel happier:

1. Do one nice thing for yourself daily

Most of us make ourselves quickly available to do nice things for others But now its time to take care of yourself. And, that means taking time daily to do nice things for yourself.

Treat yourself to a nice cup of your favorite coffee or taking a few minutes to read, meditate or listening to positive words that will increase feeling of goodness to increase positivity.

If possible schedule bigger self-care activities like massages or mini vacations and even a retreat or course that will help you attract more of the good stuff into your life.

When you start doing nice things for yourself you’ll find the feeling of fullness and happiness will start to increase.

2. Start your day with a SMILE!

Starting your morning with a prayer and smile will give you a positive start for the day. Even if you fake a smile your brain sends the same feel good chemicals as if you are beaming.

Being grateful for a great sleep and waking up in the morning is something that you should be happy about.

A smile can change everything, for you and those that you come in contact with. that one thing that you’ll realize quire fast especially when you are traveling. It’s the most international language that everyone knows.

It’s even contagious, not just because of how it looks from the outside but also because of the intention and the feeling that is behind that smile.

Pretty sure you’ll realize that if you smile a someone you don’t even know, or some who just pass by you, it will bring them good vibes, which make you want to pass that smile to the next person and son and so forth.

feel happier in life

3. Prioritize your health

People who are happy tend to care for themselves physically, emotionally and spiritually. Prioritizing your overall health helps keep you energized so you are available and able to experience all that you can.

Start taking supplements, practice meditation to reduce stress and feed your mind with good thoughts that promote happiness! One of the ways to feel happier is using guided meditation. Meditation that guides you are ideal for anyone struggling to be happier as it plants the seeds in your mind. Millions of people attract what they desire which brings happiness in the simplest of things.

Eliminating sugar and other junk foods will reduce moods swings which hinders us from being happy.

Try to have a goal of exercising at least minimum of 5 days a week. As for the type of work out that’s really up to you. The rule is do what makes you happy.

Choose a fun activity that you will enjoy and not get bored with it!

If your not into hard core workouts, then try doing yoga or Pilates as long as the blood and oxygen is properly circulating inside your body that will activate the body’s natural healing powers that can give you the feeling of happiness.

4. Forgiveness to feel happier in life

Forgiveness plays a big part in being happy! Beating yourself up or getting stuck on things that are out of are control is a waste of energy. Instead what if you could re-focus the negative thoughts that repel happiness.

Forgiving yourself is quite challenging, as most of us have been getting angry at ourselves for some things that we did wrong as we age.

We often think of the things that we could have done and could have not done to make things better.

But little did we know we often criticize ourselves and it brings down our confidence level.

A lot of us get into trouble because we tried to be perfect and beat themselves up if they’re not. Loving yourself for who you are means accepting yourself.

5. Be kind and spread the happiness

Why does being kind to someone is one way of being happy? Showing gratitude to others can be easy and quick, most inexpensive ways to keep anxiety at bay.

It helps calm the mood and takes the focus off yourself. Being kind to someone, produces a contagious smile.

You are most likely causing them to smile and if you see that smile for yourself, you know that you made someone happy and you made yourself happy.

With all the stress that we face each day be it sitting in traffic for many hours on your way to work in the morning, a small act of kindness can turn things around and reduces the stress level a bit.

The moment you focus on doing an act of kindness to someone, it helps you get a break from your own problems hence resulting to you having that feeling of happiness.

Helping someone in your own little way is a big factor on your daily life leading you to have that feeling of happiness.

6. Schedule something fun

When was the last time you did something fun? If its been a while start making a list of things you enjoy. Then make a plan to it. Whether its dusting off the camera, planting flowers or hanging out with someone you haven’t seen for a while — or what about something new?

Looking forward to something  fun will raise your excitement level.

Having something to look forward gives you a good feeling and will also give you an “Atmosphere of growth” to your life, because the future seems bright.

Anticipation is the key, by having something to look forward to, no matter what the conflicts are, as long as it will bring happiness into your life well before the event actually takes place.

If you feel a little anxiety when you’re thinking of fun and  happiness that’s okay. Relaxing and letting go will connect us with who we are.

Sometimes, the happiness in anticipation is greater that the happiness that you will experience in that moment.

7. Get enough rest

Research shows we need to have plenty of rest for our body and mind to manage stresses and heal. And,  without enough quality rest our body and mind cannot function without enough of it.

While we know this, getting enough rest is easier said than done. Lets face it who has the time to sleep when you got loads of work to do to make a living?

If you think that the hours of lost sleep to finish your work related projects, then how about consider the effect it will bring to your daily happiness than getting one extra hour of sleep a night?

They don’t call it beauty rest for nothing as anyone who wakes up with a dark under-eye circles and sallow skin can attest.

Our body and mind needs a lot of resting so it can do its process of repairing and releasing the growth hormones that are needed by our body.

Many of these are fixing damaged tissues including the skin. If you don’t get enough sleep, you are risking the boosted levels of stress hormones, which can wreck your skin and age prematurely.

Even by just taking a 30 minute nap between the day can give you the feeling of happiness

8. Get Social

Social contact is a main contributor to happiness. Life is not about things, its about experience and the people who are in our lives. If you’ve lost touch with a friend or family member whose company you enjoy, then get in touch with them.

Getting social doesn’t really have to be a phone call, it can be a simple email asking them how they are. We are social beings who share energy which can make a big difference and can bring out the happiness in you.

This small gesture can show your friend that you really care about him/her and want to know what’s happening with his/her life at the moment.

Asking how they’re day is doing and what he/she has been up to, can give you an exchange of conversation that you both can benefit from and get that feeling of happiness.

Concluding 8 Ways to Feel Happier in Life

There are many ways to feel happier, try a few of these 8 suggestions to attract the happiness that you desire and deserve.

Happiness is for most people is not a contact state but a string of happy moments that eventually can become complete happiness.

feel happier in life