Top 3 Stress Factors You May Face

Some stressors  are low level such as what to wear, make for dinner, etc. Because with a little organizing they can be managed. While there are other things that are stress factors have a bigger impact on your life. The top 3 stress factors  are money, work and health.

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At some point in life we can all related to these stressors. These are the ones that can lead to chronic stress and its important to get a handle on them before they take a toll on your life. Lets take a look at these top 3.

Money is likely the top stress factor

Without enough money, you can’t pay your financial obligations. You also may struggle to put food on the table. When money is an issue, it can cause ongoing stress. More than half of the populations stress about their finances.

You likely don’t need me to tell you if you suffer with money stress. It shows up when it comes to getting your paycheck, and you get panicky when your paying the bills or standing in line at the grocery store praying you’ll have enough money.

Having fights about money is common when money stress is present. Another sign is that you’re getting calls from creditors.

Money stressors are not always related to lack of it. Often there is guilt or shame. Which can occur around your beliefs about money. These are typically learned and unhealthy. The good news is that its more than possible to unlearn negative money beliefs and trade up for ones that will serve you.

Second on the list of these stress factors is work

Now more than ever, more people are working jobs that require more of them.  Busy commutes, working hours, and putting up with a lot of demands. Work can be so demanding that it leaves you feeling exhausted and close to burnout.

If your job doesn’t pay enough to cover the bills, you may even deal with the stress of having to work a second or even a third job. If that’s not enough stress is often associated with doing work that you don’t enjoy. Life is too short not to be doing some from of work if it doesn’t bring a sense of fulfillment.

There are others stressors such as working so much, you feel like you don’t have a life outside of it. Or, it could be that you don’t get along with a colleague, and this person is making you miserable.

If you often have physical ailments at the thought of your job – such as headaches, stomach aches or muscle pain. These and others ailments can be a sign that your job is a stress factor.

Take the time to figure out work that you enjoy, and that will provide meaning. Work is a massive part of life, so its worth figuring out your talents and finding work you’ll enjoy.

Health is one of the top three stressors

Many people live with ongoing stress because they worry about their health. They’re concerned that they’re not doing enough to stay healthy, but they don’t have the time or maybe the willpower to make changes to remain healthy.

It’s a stressor for those who have ongoing health conditions, such as diabetes or autoimmune diseases. These people worry how their health will affect their jobs or their relationships.

They worry how their condition will affect them when they get older and fear how they’ll be able to take care of themselves if their condition worsens. They may also worry about being a burden to their family members.

Its important to figure out what causes you stress and how to address it before it gets out of hand.

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