10 ways you'll be okay

10 Ways to Know You’ll Be Okay in Life 

Sometimes life is overwhelming and you doubt yourself. It this sounds like you here are 10 ways to know you will be okay. And you have the abilities to make a good life for yourself.

1. have a roof over your head

You have food to eat and clean clothing to wear. When you have the basic needs, able to support yourself. This is a sign you’ll be okay and you have enough to move forward and create the life you want. You have a foundation to build on.

2. working hard for causes you believe in

Work can be hard. But we do it to pay the pay the bills and make ends meet. But if you’re working with hard for a cause or something you believe in. This shows you are on track for a life of purpose or meaning.

3. believe in yourself

You have enough faith and conviction that you are not swayed by anyone else’s values, beliefs or whims. When you believe in yourself you have the power to make decisions and when you make choices of your own accord you are enough to create your own path.

4. choose to be happy in your own way

Everyone has their own definition of happiness – happiness can be a new pair of shoes for some people. For others is may mean a walk in nature,  or a deep feeling you have inside. When you  have your own definition of happiness you’ll be okay.

5. able to forgive

Forgiveness is not easy, sometimes the hurt is so bad, yet it holds you hostage while the one who has wronged to may not give what they have done a second thought. Maybe they do feel bad or guilty, we may never know.

When you forgive you do not have to tell them the person or face them, you can allow yourself to forgive by saying acknowledging it to yourself, when you so that you know you are doing okay. “Forgiveness frees you to move forward and it passes the wrong back giving the choice to the other to do better to choose better.

6. stop tolerating that comes your way

If you tolerate things you dislike, you will attract more of the same. You know your doing okay when you notice what you don’t want. And, when you notice and will not accept what you don’t want, you are taking responsibility. Saying no and putting and end to tolerations is a powerful way to change your life.

Some people just don’t see they put up with the status-quo. But when you are able to notice and reject what doesn’t serve you you are a capable of choosing what you want. So you can attract more of what you want in your life.  Putting an end to tolerations builds strength and character.

7. made the it through of some tough life situations

We often smile our way through tough times. We worry if you’ll be okay and wonder if you will make it out the others side. When people ask us if we’re okay we often smile and say “fine”. When all we are doing is covering up how we feel and trying to make the best out of a situation we have little control over.

The only control is how we handle and overcome it. Little by little we manage the situation, it helps to know we are strong enough and can make it through. Though we may be changed by experience you are strong enough to make it through.

8. aren’t afraid to fail

The most successful people have had the biggest failures, many time and time again, yet they have seen what may have been considered failures as amazing learning opportunities. If you have hit a roadblock, got up, dusted yourself you are strong enough and more than okay to move forward and become wildly successful.

9. still believe in the possible

Disappointments will arise, you want to give up, it feels impossible, but you can let go and have faith in what could be.  If you are open, have the belief, then all is possible. You have set the intention to go on and create something wonderful.

10. don’t let the beliefs of others stop you

Other people beliefs or versions of what they think should be is the biggest killer of the people’s dreams. We have been taught to listen to parents, society and old limiting beliefs and misconceptions. When you don’t listen to the beliefs of others, follow your heart and intuition you are strong enough, clear enough to create your own path and the life you desire.

These are a just a few reasons to know you are enough, and you’ll be okay. As you are capable and resilient.  Creating a life with meaning.