Identifying your gifts

Identifying Your Gifts Brings Fulfilment in Life

Want to change your life?  Feel fulfilled? Identifying your gifts will never be a waste of time. In fact, it is one of the most important things you can do. Your natural gifts will help set you on the path to find meaning, purpose, and fulfillment in life.

In this article we talk about all the reasons to identify your gifts and how to begin. But before we get started see the story of Jo. See if it sounds familiar.

Jo is a dental assistant at her father’s clinic in a small town. She dreamed of being an author when she was younger. But busy as life is there was never enough time for her to nurture her writing abilities. Leaving her with two unfinished manuscripts laying at the bottom of her dresser drawer.

When she’s is not working, Jo spends most of her time pursuing the self help articles online. Lately, she’s been feeling the urge to do something more with her life. She longs for something more, that will bring and contribution. Driven by this urge, Jo rediscovers her passion to write.

She also notices that the subject in most of her writing revolves around motivation and getting people to find their purpose in life. Jo is among the few people who have been fortunate to identify their gift.  But that is not the case for most people. And, though people possess natural gifts they fail to notice them due to the busy-ness of life.

Yet these gifts are what can bring us the most joy in life – and they are our innate gifts that are worth identifying. This way you can use them in a meaningful way — even to change the world.

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Identifying your purpose, using your gifts and changing the world

Finding your life’s purpose is not simple. It takes a lot of work to discover what you are passionate about. And how to use it to make a difference in other people’s lives.

The journey of finding your purpose is a personal journey.  But one that is worth it  Because once identify your purpose and incorporate using your gifts you will be help others if you so choose.  And at the same time make a massive difference in the world.

You don’t have to have grandiose gifts to make a difference in the world. What you think is the smallest gift may turn out to make the biggest difference in the world for somebody else. So how do you begin identifying your gifts?

Asking the right questions

‘A gift is the thing you do best with the least amount of effort.’ Steve Harvey.

The first step in identifying your gifts is finding time to reflect on your natural abilities. There are certain things that you know you are good at or that you love doing.

However, it’s important to understand that gifts and talents are not the same. Because gifts are something that you do naturally. While talents are often ones that are learned.

To help you get in touch with your gifts it’s is important to dig deep within yourself to find what you are passionate about.

Create a list

Listing down what you are passionate about, your capabilities or talents. This will help you narrow down things you can focus on in finding and pursuing your life purpose.

Alternatively, you can list down things you are interested in, or that you would like to do, given the time, opportunity, or resources to do them.

The list may be broad in the beginning as often we think there is nothing we are gifted with. On the other hand you may write down a ton of things. But as you separate gifts from capabilities you will narrow the list down.

You may not even know what you like or have an interest in. Especially if your current environment does not allow you to go beyond the familiar.

Your workplace may not allow you a opportunity for identifying you gifts since you are stuck in daily routine. Therefore it will requires you to take time put of your normal routine so you can tap in to your imagination. And, remember its never too late to find you gifts and life purpose.

Big question for identifying your gifts

  • Think about what you would do if you never had to worry about money.
  • If you were to provide a service to people what would it be? and what would that service look like?
  • Ask people who know you well, what is it that the know you do well
  • Are you a good listener, do you give good advice
  • Maybe you are creative, have an eye for color; a natural interior designer or an artist
  • What about problems, are you good at solving them?
  • Are you good at explaining things? teaching or creating your own courses
  • what about animals? do you connect with them?
  • Or like Jo do you like to motivate people, maybe you are a natural life coach or a blogger?

Write everything down that you can think of? These big questions are key to identifying your natural gifts

Another approach to use in identifying your gifts is finding influential people who have similar interests to yours.

If you have an inkling that some one has gifts that are similar to yours consider shadowing s them. This is especially useful when it comes to finding out which part of a job you are a natural at, and which parts may use a little improvement.

For example you identified that your gift is putting people at ease. And you may consider working with people – as a counsellor, in social work or other such careers.

This is where shadowing may be helpful – you can try out your gifts while trying on a potential path to passion.

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If your research pique your interest, then it is likely that are on the path to your purpose. Continuing to shadow such people offers you mentorship on how to proceed until you can share your gifts with the world.

The journey of discovering your purpose does not end with you identifying your gifts. Rather, it starts where you know what you are good at. The next step is perfecting the gifts you discover. Especially is you decide to turn your gifts into a way of making a living.

Invest in yourself – discover what makes you happy

Though it seems like a big tasks there is nothing as rewarding as discovering your gifts and pursuing your passion.

You will need to spend a lot of time doing market research to find where your gift fits in. Then you will need time to rehearse your delivery so that the world buys into what you are selling. In addition you will need time to learn the ins and outs of whatever industry you choose to go into.

For example, if your gifts is in the speaking industry, you will need to invest time in learning how to expand it. If your gift is writing you will need to invest time reading work from other authors and improving your own writing skills.

Identifying your gifts and investing in them

There are many other investments you will need to make. Some investments will be monetary. Others investments you will make will include people who will help you nurture, package, and deliver your gift in the most effective way possible.

Some investments will involve equipment. If you will use your gift digitally you will need the right equipment such as phones, cameras, or laptops.

But the biggest and best investment you can make, is to invest in yourself.

In Conclusion

Identifying your gifts will take a lot of effort on your part. Do not let that intimidate you. Instead, let it motivate you as a result of satisfaction that you have lived a meaningful life.

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