finding your passionFinding Your Purpose Seems Difficult and Why Its Worth Pursuing

Your existence here on earth is not a mistake, you were born for a reason – Purpose. And though finding your purpose seems like a difficult task. It is not something that is beyond reach. Taking the time to find your purpose is never wasted. It really is worth pursuing.

Because once you find your purpose it will bring meaning and joy and fulfilment in unexpected ways.

The Many Benefits of Living Your Life Purpose

Here are but a few of the treasures awaiting you as you open to your life purpose:

  • become a joyful expression of your unique brilliance.
  •  focus more, knowing where you are heading
  • prioritize what is important
  • manage your time and money
  • better understanding of who you are and why you are here
  • deepen important relationships and find new relationships
  • be more resilient, knowing setbacks are learning opportunities not failures
  • find meaningful work that becomes a calling for something greater, including a greater you

So why do so many people give up on their purpose?

Many people push purpose aside instead of seeking it out. Tracking down your purpose can be a life long journey. It requires patience as well as doing some soul searching.

And it can only be done one step at a time. Some people have an innate knowing of what is their purpose, while other people find it later in their life. So it is not surprising that some people push it aside instead of taking the time to pursue their life purpose.

With this said what can you do to find it?

Foster a Sense of Purpose and connect to it

One of the first steps is to foster a sense of your purpose. Whether you have an idea of you purpose or not as of yet, simply acknowledge that you have one. This way you will learn to notice what peaks your interest instead of minimizing your role in purpose.

The fact that you exist here on earth should give you an emotional foundation. That indeed you are on this mother earth to fulfill a goal in life.

Believe In Your Purpose

One of the biggest destroyers of passion, purpose and meaning is ourselves. You actually need to tell yourself that indeed you were born for a purpose. And that finding your passion is important.

Believe in yourself that you can do it. You will likely have sense purpose, or dreamed it, had a vision or something you felt strongly about, but did not yet recognize it as your purpose.

Purpose and meaning are those things that  niggle away at you. It keeps you awake at night. It’s the feeling you get when you feel bored and unsettled. Believe its there and know if you look you will find your purpose.

Release the Idea of Mediocrity and Aim High

All human beings were born with so much untapped potential. But the biggest challenge that most people have is that they settle for mediocrity. Once you hold the belief in finding you purpose, release mediocrity and instead aim high and having a winning spirit.

You should not be a ‘doubting Thomas’ but hold the faith in yourself that you can do it. So, stop aiming low and start believing in yourself and utilize the massive potential that you possess.

Go out there and make a difference for yourselves and leave a mark. Indeed the sky is the limit.

Many limitations inhibit us from becoming a better version of ourselves. Spending time with negative people can be the fastest way to ruin your inner spirit and distract you from achieving your goal and purpose.

Let Go of Negative People and Circumstances

Finding your purpose seems difficult especially if you are hindered by circumstances that hold you back. These may people with pessimistic outlooks and negative attitudes.

Which can reduce your motivation and change the way you think and feel. Negative people can pull you backward. When you want to be surrounded with people that uplift, encourage and support you.

By letting go of negative people and circumstances. You will take the power away. Therefore keeping control over your circumstances, conviction and direction. allowing a negative person to dictate your emotions, gives them too much power and control of our lives.

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Positive Attitude Toward Finding Your Purpose

Make a conscious effort to choose your attitude. Create a tune in your mind, that you can do it no matter what. It’s good to stay positive regardless of the circumstances around you.

Don’t allow pessimistic people to always influence what you think about. As you pursue your purpose, always keep track of plans. And pay attention to how your thoughts change when you’re faced with pessimistic people.

Again, it’s not quite easy to have hope and achieve your goals when you’re surrounded by hopeless and negative people. Instead hang around positive people who will encourage and inspire you.  Join groups and connect with like minded people who will help you to prosper and move forward.

High vibration people take time to find and use there purpose and are more than happy to help others achieve opportunities in life.

So, identify positive people in your life and decide that you’re not going to allow negative people to determine your destiny.

Furthermore, pessimistic people should not keep you off track on how you think, feel, and the things you want to achieve in life. Be very smart in your plans and be in charge of those plans. Focus on your time and energy on becoming your best self.

It’s hard to feel passionate and purposeful when you’re surrounded by people who have this ‘pull him down’ syndrome and aren’t interested in making positive contributions.

Finding Your Purpose with Passions and Interest

When you are pursuing your purpose, it’s ideal that you focus on doing what you are passionate about. Be it academics, sports, art or entrepreneurship, or anything else, it’s good that you discover areas that you have strength in and work hard to develop that talent or skill. Doing what you enjoy doing can assist you to find your purpose as well.

Indeed finding purpose is not just an intellectual pursuit but something you need to feel and pursue. Pay attention to what other people appreciate about you as well.

Then, brainstorm how you might turn your passion into something meaningful to you. Researches reveal that people who feel a sense of purpose have meaningful progress than those who feel as though their work lacks meaning.

As mentioned earlier on, the road to finding your purpose is not an easy stroll in that park. It has many ups and downs. Regularly, you need to pause what you’re doing and reflect on whether you think like the road you are on is taking you in the direction you want to go. If it’s not, then it’s wise that you change course.

Concluding Why Finding Your Purpose is Worth It

In a nutshell, pursuing your purpose is not something that can be determined quickly. The road requires plenty of determination and self-reflection.  And if not found early in life it becomes even more important in later life. Because once found it will change all area’s of your life for the better.

Discover how to find your purpose and start changing your life today – visit Dream Life Mastery today!

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