finding purpose later in lifeTips for Finding Your Purpose Later in Life

If you are retired, or even just past the mid stage of your career, you might think you missed the boat. But finding purpose later in life is one of the best things you can do for yourself.  Anytime is a good time for purpose!

Finding your purpose later on in life is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. This is the time for you to fulfill your dreams. Maybe the ones you out on hold- while caring for others, or getting caught up in the busy-ness of life.

The truth is your purpose never really goes. You likely heard it nagging at you.  And now you are probably in a better position than ever really to work out what matters, and what you want out of life.

And even better, you’re likely to have all the skills you need to focus on your life’s purpose and go for it! If you are not sure where to begin we out together a few tips to get you started.

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Here are Tips for Finding Your Purpose Later in Life

1. Prepare Your Mindset

The first thing to do is to declutter your mind of all the preconceptions others have put there about what is and isn’t possible. No matter what your age, you can always choose to make your life different. That includes finding purpose later in life.

Society tends to bundle anyone over a certain age into the beige cardigan, stay-at-home, playing it safe slot. But these are just stereotypes and you certainly don’t have to accept that. This is the time to shake off and shape up and share your wisdom with the world.

Picasso didn’t retire into senescence but painted until he dropped aged ninety-two. Look around you and see that some of the most energetic, passionate people are older than the conventional retirement age.

2. Work Out Your Heart’s Desire

Do some work really to find out what you want. Take the money and social expectations out of the equation and dream big. Think of all the things you dream of – sailing around the world as a guide?

Creating a blog for people later in life who want to find meaning and purpose like you? Become a yoga teacher. or maybe an animal healer – this is your time live life with purpose and finding time for whatever brings you joy in life.

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3. Plan and Strategize

Approach this as you have many times before as a project. That is good advice for anyone, but the advantage of age and experience is that you know what to do. Having worked out your big goal, sit down and work out what you need to get there.

What skills do you already have? What training or courses might you need? Whether it’s writing that novel or pursuing your personal discovery journey. Take the time to plot out a plan of action and a timeframe. Set some milestones and allocate resources and you’re off!

Concluding Finding Your Purpose Later in Life

No matter what your age, taking the time to sit back and find your life’s purpose has been shown to have benefits in all areas of life. Purpose will help improve physical, mental and spiritual wellness as your life is full of meaning and purpose.

Purposeful adults live longer and healthier lives and deal better with stress. Invest in yourself and pursue your purpose so you can continue to contribute the world as a whole.

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