feeling lost in life dreamscapeHow to Find Yourself When Your Feeling Lost in Life

Its easy to be feeling lost in life. Especially when everything comes at you with speed and power. Its overwhelming. There are busy commutes, massive responsibilities, and little downtime, it is no wonder that we can feel lost in life……You wonder if you will ever find yourself again.

On top of everything else we worry about what others think of us. As if that’s not enough just when we think something going right, another hiccup happens.

We wonder who we are, will we ever measure up and can you even keep up at this pace? Whether you are extrovert or introvert the results can end up the same – feeling lost in life, at least in many areas.

Is There are Way to Stop Feeling So Lost

Yes, we are meant for more than this. There are steps to take so that you climb under the weight of feeling lost so to rise up and take back control.

So is Have you been feeling lost or defeated about life? Then, we hope you can find some clarity and hope and start to feel like yourself again.

you are feeling lost this article is for you – here are discover some of the reasons you are feeling this way and how you can recognize why your feeling those way so you can make changes that matter in life. Before we begin, its important to acknowledge that this is normal for millions of people. Todays way of living is overwhelming.

Now its time to look at why we feel like this and take the steps to release yourself from feeling lost in life so you can find yourself.

Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.– Henry David Thoreau

1. You Put Other People’s Opinions Before Your Own

you should do this… if only you’d do that… I think you should… sound familiar? Even if these words are spoken or implied they can have the same effect.

Listening to the opinions of others starts at a very early age. While some people offer good advice others are merely repeating what they learned. At the end of the day its important that you decide. Yes you can seek out advice and learn but its good to practice to use critical thinking.

Critical Thinking and Decide for Yourself

Ask questions like p does this makes sense to me. Or you can ask questions such as according to whom? Questions like this will help you to understand whose thoughts are these. Are they yours? do they resonate or what does your gut tell you.

If you let other people dictate your life too much, you will undoubtedly start feeling lost and uncertain in life. All too often we put other people’s opinion before listening to what’s in our heart.

Other people will only give you advice from their perspective. Often this comes from people who are less than successful in life in general.

People will never hesitate to offer their two bits about what you should do with your life. Well meaning or not, only you can determine the best direction you want to go. Listen to your inner voice. And you move from feeling lost as you learn to find yourself.

2. You Might Feel Lost in Life If You Neglect Your Intuition.

Our intuition can help us navigate life when we start to feel lost; it is our internal compass.

In fact, it could play a more critical role than intellect in solving tough problems. Studies show that intuition can provide just as effective results as an analytical approach to making decisions.

Right Brain and Left Brain Thinking

In fact though we think with both sides of our brain us humans have a dominant side. Right brain thinking uses critical analytic thinking while left brain thinkers who tend to be more creative tend to rely more on their intuition.

We all have an inner voice that helps guide us through life, but we must learn to trust it and allow the rational brain to take a backseat.

3. Beating Yourself Up with Negative Self Talk 

Many people feel lost in life because they just don’t give themselves enough credit. They think about the negative part of who they are. instead of all the positive things about themselves. Bolstered up by worrying about other peoples thoughts its easy to see why people get lost in life.

Did you ever consider that most people feel like this is at some time in life? Then we look to get approval from other who may be struggling just like you.

Beating yourself is a futile habit that pulls you backward and keeps you stuck. What is important is that we learn how to stop it. Negative self talk is a soul destroyer and it will drain you of the life you deserve.

Instead take the steps to find yourself by learning to exchange the negative for positive self talk. Implement positive self-talk in various ways such as through mantras, affirmations, or even meditation.

Studies indicate that regular can meditation increase positive thinking, which will help quiet those negative thoughts about yourself and all you perceive about the world.

If you feel lost in life, try shifting your thoughts to all the positive things happening in your life. You will feel much better and start to see more beneficial outcomes as well.

Journal – if you struggle to focus on the good stuff then grab a journal. Make it a habit to begin each morning with writing 2 -3 things you are grateful for. It may be as simple as drinking delicious coffee, a warm home, your dog, etc.

4. Don’t Know Your Real Life Purpose

I believe that everyone is here for a reason, often referred to as life purpose. This doesn’t mean that you have to take on the weight of the world. Your life purpose may be simple – you are kind; touching the lives of people without ever knowing how much you changes their life.

You may find a cure, be an artist or clean bathrooms and take pride in a job well done. The point is that your life purpose does not have to be grandiose, it can be simple and as valuable.

The thing is if you do not know you real life purpose yet don’t worry. There are steps you can take to make a difference in the world. If you feel lost in life, perhaps your job lacks the fulfillment you long for, and you exchange your precious time for a meager paycheck.

We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.– Joseph Campbell

Does this sound like you? Then its time to discover what give you meaning and the reasons to know you life purpose.

You can begin by making a list of things that interest you. Such as helping animals, art, gardening, making health, or solving problems, etcetera. and find out ways you can make money from them. Even if it only starts as a side hustle or a hobby. It will improve your health and happiness just by giving it your attention as you connect with who you are.

Just remember that you are here to express all that you are. We are on this planet for a short time , and we only get one chance that we know of. Take this time and life it to your all and on your own terms.

Remember to take time and dig deep within to find out what makes your spirit soar; that might just be your true calling. You are unique and here for a reason – find it!

5 – You Live in the Mind More Than the Heart

The energy on Earth feels very imbalanced at times. But perhaps if we live  through our hearts more and less through our minds, we would see that reflected outwardly.

In other words, making more decisions based on the well-being of our planet and our life for the better as a whole.

Such heart base thinking would do wonders for the state of humanity. A world lead by logic alone can only take us so far. But when heart comes into the equation we will all benefit from this balance.

If you feel lost in life, start thinking more about how you can help others improve their own lives. By taking the focus off yourself and shifting it to other people, you can truly make a difference in people’s lives. This not only lifts your worries but it will build your self esteem so that you have the power to live a life of meaning and purpose.

If You Feel Lost in Life Here’s is How to Find Yourself Again

1 – Don’t Bury Your Feelings

First off, you can’t expect to find your way out of the darkness if you don’t explore what got you there in the first place. Getting a little vulnerable may seem a little uncomfortable at first. Society has taught us to multi task, over analyze pushing our intuition aside.

But to truly discover yourself again, when your feeling lost is to get lost in life for a little while. Life happens differently for everyone, so just focus on what makes you feel whole again.

If you feel lost in life, take the steps to find your purpose. Learn  to listen to your feelings and trust your intuition, will call you back home again. You’ll learn so much about yourself if you dive deep into yourself rather than always listening to the world’s voice. Society doesn’t know your soul. Only you indeed do, so all that matters at the end of the day is staying true to yourself.

2. Trust In Yourself

You can’t find yourself if you drown out your voice and desires by always doing what the world expects of you. You have the key to unlocking the doors to your deepest self, so you must trust the process. Even if it takes you years to get where you need to go, you can’t make it there if you continually sabotage your heart’s true desires.

At the end of the day, we only have ourselves, so it makes sense to know ourselves to the core and trust what our soul tells us.

You can’t ever run away from yourself, so if you feel lost in life, take that as a sign that you’ve been neglecting yourself, and learn to tap into your highest self.

3. If You Feel Lost in Life, Learn What Makes You Happy in Life

We often get so caught up in this world trying to please other people and take care of their needs we not on are feeling lost in life but forget who we are or want. Taking time off work for a short vacation or get that much needed self-care can do wonders to help you find yourself again.

As humans, we often compare ourselves to others and wonder if we live the right way. But just remember that all paths lead to the same place eventually.

No one has all the answers, and we don’t get a manual for how to live life. It only makes sense to fill your time with things that bring you joy. Whatever makes your heart happy, follow it, because it will truly lead you back home.

4. Try New Things to Find Yourself

If you stay inside your comfort zone too much, you won’t give your soul what it needs to grow. Getting comfortable in a routine makes us complacent after a while. So make sure to shake things up every so often. Try a new hobby or invest in learning a skill that interests you. Perhaps somewhere down the road, you could even make money from it!

You can always reinvent the wheel. So don’t let doubts or fears stop you from getting outside your bubble.

5 . Upgrade Negative Thinking for Positive Ones

Our thoughts can either propel us toward the life we want or hold us back from it. Make sure you keep get rid of negative thinking and trade up for positive thoughts that will serve you in life.  If you worry this will not be possible – think again. Pessimists can be optimistic.

By upgrading your thoughts for ones that are positive you will learn not only to find yourself in life but manifest the reality you wish to see.

Final Thoughts About Feeling Lost in Life and How to Find Yourself 

Don’t beat yourself up in you’ve been feeling a little down or confused about your journey. Everyone goes through this, but you can’t allow those feelings to paralyze you. Learn about why you feel this way and what you can do to change it.

You have all the power within to create the life you love; you just have to believe in your potential and imagine yourself as the best version of you possible!