find your life purpose image happy woman

7 Steps to Discover Your Life Purpose

Sometimes it might feel as though you’ll never discover your life purpose. There’s so much to do in your everyday life that there barely seems to focus on what matters to you. Discovering what is meaningful is incredibly important to living a fulfilled life.

With this said finding purpose in your life is one of the most important keys to having a life you love. To help you get started here are 7 steps to discover your life’s purpose and live life with gusto.

7 steps you can take to find your life purpose.

1. Big Questions

Look inwards to see what it is that fires you up.

  • What are you passionate about in your life? Animals, human rights, travel or helping others?
  • What do you love doing? Art, reading, speaking, motivating others?
  • What you talk about for hours, is it something that excites you or makes you mad?
  • What inspires you? Who are the hero’s in the movies you love. Are they strong, sensitive, out spoken or rebellious?
  • Check your browser history and your reading list. Your Big Thing is right in front of you, all you have to do is claim it!

2. Identify Your Superpower

Everyone has something they do where they excel. Write down all the things you’re good at, pick out the top one or two that stand out, the ones that you can offer right now.

Instead of feeling helpless, recognize that you have a unique combination of experience and skill to offer the world.

Here are a few ideas of super powers to identify you passion:

Do you excel in art, relate naturally to people putting them at ease. Are you a problem solver, ideas person? What do people tell you that you are good at?

No one else in the history of the world can offer what you offer right now.

3. Volunteer to Find or Confirm Your Life Purpose

Often times we hesitate to jump all in,  as we worry about investing time or finding out that our life purpose is not what we think. Being a volunteer is a good way to get exposure to new things. And there’s a chance you will find what you are passionate about along the way.

Whatever your life purpose is, you want to have a positive impact on your community, right? Think about who you want to help. Do you relate to animals, or seniors or helping people with special needs?

Are your superpower skills useful for fundraising or writing submissions? Are you more comfortable as a hands-on career or assistant? Find an organization that could do with a helping hand, whether it’s pro bono work or hands-on volunteering.

4. Meditate -Quiet to Draw You to Your Purpose

Meditating quiets the mind and calms the souls. Take time to meditate a few minutes daily to declutter your mind. A clear mind will help you to notice what feels good and right. The heart knows what it wants and what is good for it. It’s an excellent way to discover your life purpose.

5. Jot it Down

Do ideas come to you  when your taking a shower? What about when your driving or just about to fall off to sleep, only to forget those magnificent ideas. Carry a notebook around so when you have an idea that feels right, jot it down.

6. Bring At all Together

Once you’ve identified your Big Thing, you know what your unique superpowers are and how you want to serve your community, you can connect the dots.

What are the common themes? You might be passionate about human rights, be an excellent public speaker and choose to work pro bono as an advocate for your local Amnesty branch. Or you may offer free haircuts or styling to homeless people or the unemployed.

7. Once You Discover Your Life Purpose Take Action

Now you have your life purpose package you can swing into action. Look for opportunities to align your life purpose with tangible action out in the world.

Be bold and resolve to do what you can where you can. You might not be able to achieve world peace, but you can make your community a better place.