What are Goosebumps and are They a Sign from the Universe? Do you ever get goosebumps and wonder what they mean? A sudden sensation of prickly skin or the hair stands up on your arms? It’s not cold, so what is the meaning? Are goosebumps a sign from the universe? Let’s dive in and learn …
Purpose Blog
Daring to Be Different and Live On Your Own Terms
Live on Your Own Terms “The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen before.” – Albert Einstein We try so hard to …
Spiritual Wellness and Relationships
Spiritual Wellness and Relationship Connection Spiritual wellness is described differently by each person. But the concept generally relates to one’s sense of purpose, life’s meaning, our relationship to other people. And a self-awareness to these things. our spiritual wellness and relationships are connected.
9 Ways to Live On Your Terms
9 Ways to You Live On Your Terms You only got one life that you know of so it only make sense to live life on your own terms. We spend way too much time worrying about other people. Wondering how can we fit in. How to get what the other person has. There’s a …
7 Day Prayer Miracle Can It Really Work
7 Day Prayer Miracle Does It Really Work Can It Heal Your Life, Bring Joy and all You Want If you’ve been online seeking out manifesting courses, its difficult not to have come across the 7 day Prayer Miracle. Its is a popular program especially for those who enjoy the power of prayer. But …
Top 3 Stress Factors to Manage
Top 3 Stress Factors You May Face Some stressors are low level such as what to wear, make for dinner, etc. Because with a little organizing they can be managed. While there are other things that are stress factors have a bigger impact on your life. The top 3 stress factors are money, work and …
Declutter Your Home for Personal Success
Why You Need to Declutter Your Home for Personal Success When you set out to achieve your fullest potential, its tempting to focus first on the bigger. Such as becoming more confident or to find your true purpose. All of which are excellent pursuits. But before you get begin, you need to declutter your home.
Finding Your Purpose Seems Difficult But Worth Pursuing
Finding Your Purpose Seems Difficult and Why Its Worth Pursuing Your existence here on earth is not a mistake, you were born for a reason – Purpose. And though finding your purpose seems like a difficult task. It is not something that is beyond reach. Taking the time to find your purpose is never wasted. …
Know You’ll Be Okay
10 Ways to Know You’ll Be Okay in Life Sometimes life is overwhelming and you doubt yourself. It this sounds like you here are 10 ways to know you will be okay. And you have the abilities to make a good life for yourself.
5 Health Benefits of Positive Thinking
5 Health Benefits of Positive Thinking It’s no secret that negativity is bad for us – it affects our health, or relationships and our life on the whole. And we also know that positive thinking can have a massive impact on our life. In this post we talk about 5 health benefits of positive thinking!