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9 Ways to You Live On Your Terms
You only got one life that you know of so it only make sense to live life on your own terms.
We spend way too much time worrying about other people. Wondering how can we fit in. How to get what the other person has. There’s a lot of reasons we think this way. But it doesn’t mean any of these things are really what we want in life.
Too much time spent worrying about what other people are thinking or doing takes away from your life. You start losing authenticity. Your goals and dreams start looking like everyone else’s. You lose who you are.
It’s time to break out of this cycle. When you live life on your terms, you find yourself accomplishing more and being happier in your day. You become more you than you ever were before. How to do this?
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Here are 9 Ways to Live On Your Terms
1. Give Yourself Permission
The first step is to give yourself permission to live on your own terms. This may seem obvious. Yet so many people live in the shadow of others. Living for other people and their dreams may rob you of yours. It is your time to live – starting saying yes to what you want in life.
2. Create Better Focus to Live On Your Terms
If you have frequently been in the habit of looking to see what other people are doing, it’s time to shift your attention to you. Forget keeping up with the Joneses. Consider what is important to you; your goals for the day.
What do you wish to accomplish? Think about what it is you can do to make things happen? Paying attention to you means you don’t have time to worry about anyone else.
3. Weed Out Your Friends List
When you’re busy being worried about what other people think of you, it’s easy to put up with behavior, which isn’t the best for you to be around.
Quite frankly, some people are toxic. These are people who put you down, steal your energy, make you feel bad about yourself, and sometimes even hurt you. When you’re true to yourself, you don’t hang around people who hurt you.
4. Find Your Purpose to Live on Your Own Terms
Life is too short not to live with purpose, and on your own terms. Each of us is born with a purpose. Whether it is something that seems big or simple, all purpose worthwhile seeking and pursuing.
5. Hone Your Skills
It’s not uncommon to have something which you are particularly good at. But how often do you indulge in this? Are you using your skills or talents? When you are true to yourself, this means making frequent use of your gifts and even sharing them with the world.
6. Write a Bucket List
Life short – eat the cake. Beside eating and enjoying treats. Make a list of all the things you dare to dram of. Write everything down. Think all the places you want to travel to.
What adventures you want to take… sky diving, swimming with the dolphins or may be a working on a cruise ship as a dancer. How about volunteering as a teacher or working with animals.
There are no limits, and this is your life and another way to live life on your own terms. Write everything you want to do in life. And aim for a list of a 101 things at minimum.
7. Forget the Money
Yes money is important and we need it to pay your way. But don’t make decisions based on money alone, It’s an easy trap to fall into. Consider this: sometimes we need to do the things which are the most fulfilling over which are the most rewarding. Your bank account might not thank you, but your most genuine self will.
8. Embrace Modesty
So, you did something cool. Rather than wasting time trying to impress other people with your accomplishments, step back. Let people notice the results of your work and appreciate it without your pointing it out. You’ll appreciate the compliment more when you’re not fishing for it.
Modesty is a rare trait these days. Living without the need for others approval is a sign that you are living on your own terms and no one else.
9. Shine In All You Do!
It’s sounds like the opposite of modesty, but its definitely not. Shine means that do it with all you heart. Give it your all… jump in with both feet. This way you will really live and shine in all that you do.
Concluding 9 Ways to Live On Your Terms
Practice all 9 of these ways to live life on your own terms, Be who you are, in all of your magnificent glory. When you embrace who you are, you’re finally living life the way you are meant to on nobodies terms but yours. It’s a great place to be!
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