Finding Your Life Purpose

what is your life purpose

Finding your life purpose is something that most people seek at some point in life. Often in the difficult times we seek answers to the big question — what is my life purpose? And though we dig deep for the answer often they do not come easily.

Most people have no idea what they’d like to pursue or do with their lives. And this is not just high school graduates full of aspiring, wonderful dreams. In fact, it’s most adults – even after finishing school, getting a job and making steady money. There is still a longing for clearly defining what their life purpose is.

Question People Ask When Seeking Life Purpose

What often starts with a gut feeling, or sense of hollowness is a need for meaning and finding purpose in life. Other signs of conflict that often begins in adult life that are seemingly simple questions like:

“What do I want to do with my life?”,

“What am I passionate about?”

“How can I make my life better?”

These are all questions that pop into adult minds looking for ways to identify what they would like to do with their lives.

In other words, they still haven’t been able to identify their life purpose. But is this really as complicated as it seems? Well, yes and no.

Does Everyone Have a Purpose in Life

In short, yes! Everyone exists on earth for an unspecified duration of time. People do different things during that time. With some seemingly being important and others not so much.

And, while some people find their purpose early on in life, other seek purpose later… this often occurs when work slows down, the nest in empty, and there is more time to think. But when these urges begin its important to pursue as they will nag at you until you find it. So where do you start on the journey to finding your life purpose.

Free Yourself from Others Expectations

One of the first steps to take is to free yourself from other people’s expectations. Others’ will have a sense of seeking, however they set up their lives based on others’ expectations and norms. And, in doing so may never be able to discover their true selves.

Deep down they know they are meant for something more.

To pursue your purpose in life will require being free from others expectations. This way you will get familiar with who you really are and not someone else’ version of you.

Self Discovery for Finding Life Purpose

Discovering who you are is another step to finding your purpose. This means taking the time to meditate, journal and remembering all the things that you thing about, enjoy or what makes your heart flutter.

Others who set out on the path to self-discovery find out that the journey is neither easy nor pleasant.

In fact, there are plenty of hurdles along the way. When you set out to find your life purpose, it means that you hold yourself, your set of beliefs and values and your likes and interests as top priority.

You look for things that make you truly happy, or rather fulfilled. This also means that on the way, you are going to displease others since you no longer want to live your life by their dictates.

Limit Free Life is an Excellent Start to Discovering Yourself

Yes, this journey can include confusion, conflict, some fear, quite a bit of misunderstanding and a lot of doubt along the way. And last but not least, it’ll also involve re-visiting many choices that you have made in life earlier. Self discovery is key to finding life purpose.

Remember, purpose is not always something that bring happiness but it can be something deep that stirs you to the core. It’ is that feeling that make you feel alive and it all begins with self discovery. It’s a time to remember who you are — this is where the answers lay.

Think of it as spring cleaning of the mind that will ultimately lead you to your life’s true purpose.

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