about the power of astrology

image of astrology signs

About Astrology and It’s Powers

Astrology has different meaning  to different persons. Some people view astrology as a way to predict the future and others see it as a guide to their daily encounters in life.

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Can Astrology Help You

Astrology it has the ability to  give you insights in all areas of life such as:

  • Relationships
  • Career
  • Money
  • Happiness
  • Health

So lets get started. In this guide we talk about the power of astrology , and how it can help as guide to transform your life.

Principles and Practices of Astrology

The meanings and symbols in Astrology represent the energetic abilities of a person to succeed and thrive. This can provide a magnitude of information and inspiration to the followers of astrology.

Basics of Astrology

In its simplest astrology is comprised of 12 signs. Each sign relates to the a time a person is born. The unique sign gives an overview of a person likes, dislikes, and their personality as a whole. All of which can help guide a person through their life journey. Whether it is for their career, love, health and more.

Astrology is composed of horoscope signs, the 12 zodiac signs. Each represents the months of a calendar year. They are portraying the definite symbol of each individual personality.


Each horoscope give a unique outlet to an individuals desires. They represent clarity, appeal and opportunity to the lives of the people. It also generate the awareness of a person on a spiritual level.

Astrology can also teach ways to enhance and develop one to be a happy and content for the individual. It can also recommend with finding the best kind of career. As well as the path to personal growth and self development.

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Astrology is a highly skilled practice which is powerful when a person gets fully committed.

The astrological concept makes people from all all over the world curious as to how it can really work to change their life. This basic knowledge about astrology can make significant changes in how a person views life and their daily encounters.

Brief History of Astrology

The knowledge about Astrology had started thousands years ago. It’s concepts came from different cities and countries. Each of them contributing to the overall perception of astrology in present times.

What Is It Astrology

Astrology is composed of various divination systems according to the premise about the human world events and astronomical phenomena relationship. Several cultures had integrated astronomical events’ essence.

The Chinese, Mayans, and Indians created elaborate systems to help predict terrestrial events. By observing celestial events.

In Western countries, astrology typically comprises of the horoscope system. The horoscope helps explain the unique aspects of the personality. And, it can predict future events according to the positions of moon, sun and planetary objects during their birth.

How Astrology Transitioned

In ancient Babylonia, astrology was practiced by priests for deciphering the will of the gods’. It was later  adopted by the Greeks to help decipher oracles and stars, to forecast the events in their future.

The Indian Hindus explored astrology from 5000BC to 3000BC.  Similar signs  were developed, that they are now using in the present.

The Egyptians were the ones who used astrology for the first time in foretelling the person’s character according to his or her birth date. Way back 4300 BC in Egypt, the star charts were discovered. Chinese developed the astrology system in 2800 BC.

Greeks had influenced the astrology of the Egyptians through what they had learned from Babylonians.

Astrology became an essential aspect in various ancient people’s culture. Augustus, the Roman ruler (63 BC to 14 AD) created coins that adorn Capricorn, his astrological zodiac sign.

In latter times the Persians and Arabs became followers of the astrological teachings.

How Does Astrology Work?

Astrology has been working with Constellation Energy in the outer space. The light coming from the constellation (Astrology sign) is flying towards the outer space.

It strikes the Sun, mixes with the light and hits the Earth. Those who were born between the Planet Earth and the sign of Pisces/Constellation, means that Pisces is their astrological sign.

Sun Signs: Zodiac Signs Strengths and Weaknesses

There are 12 various Sun signs in astrology. Each signs gives details regarding an individuals unique personality. This provides a better understanding of a person and their path.  Below are the twelve zodiac signs. Each giving an overview of their basic personalities.

A Guide to Astrology Signs 


Aries is the sign of people who are born between March 21 and April 30, and its symbol is the Ram and  Fire is its element and the ruling planet is Mars. The key strengths of an Aries person is that of energy confidence, adventurousness and courageousness. They can be impatient, self-centered, impulsive and short-tempered.


Taurus people are those born between April 21 and May 21. Their assigned symbol is the Bull. And their ruling planet is Venus, with Earth as its element. A Leo strength is dependability, emotional and physical strength, compassionate, reliability and loyalty. Their weaknesses include aggressiveness, dislike to face changes, stubbornness, and sensitivity.


The Gemini people are those who were born between May 22 and June 21. Its symbol is the Twins, and its ruling planet is Mercury. With Air as their element. Gemini strengths are inquisitiveness, flexibility, good communication skills, and jovial. Their weaknesses are restlessness, time management, selfishness and confusing personalities.


Cancer is the person who was born between June 22 and July 33. Crab is its symbol, water is the element and moon is its ruling planet. The strengths of this sign include empathy, genuine family attachment, adaptability and loyalty. Cancer weaknesses are sensitivity, indecisiveness, emotional outbursts, and moodiness.


Leo people are those born between July 24 and August 23. The symbol is that of a Lion and the sun as their ruling planet. The element of Leo’s is fire. The strength of a Leo is of their honesty, optimism and energetic nature. Along with kindness, loyalty and big-heartedness. Leo weaknesses include egotism, dominating personality, jealousy, and possessiveness.


Persons are born between August 24 and September 23 have Virgo sign. Virgin is their symbol, Earth is the element and Mercury is its ruling planet. Their strengths include realistic, dependable, patient, sincere, perfectionist and practical. The Virgo weaknesses are being restless, too critical and lack demonstrativeness.


Libra people are born between September 24 and October 23 and balance is their symbol. Venus is their ruling planet and Air is the element.

Libra strengths are being affectionate, loving, social nature, patient, gregarious, cheerful, balance, and energetic. Their weaknesses include indulgence, overly sensitive, emotional, carelessness, and indecisiveness.


Those who were born between October 22 and November 21 have Scorpio as their sign with a Scorpion as their symbol. Water is their element and Pluto is the ruling planet.

Their strengths are trustworthiness, patience, caring, mystifying, loyalty, and passionate. Scorpio weaknesses are too egotistical, sensitive, stubbornness, and those people who are born under this sign may get jealous easily.


Sagittarius people are born between November 23 and December 21. With the Archer representing their symbol. Sagittarian’s ruling planet is Jupiter and fire is the element. Sagittarius are know for lightheartedness, excellent communication skills, intellectualism, forthrightness, and honesty. On their downside their can be seen as flirtatious in nature, prone to change, and a very sharp tongue.


Capricorn’s are born between December 22 and January 20 with Sea Goat as the symbol. Capricorn element is Earth and Saturn is its ruling planet. The strength of Capricorn is that they are reliable, sincere, loyal, hardworking, strong will power, and responsible. Capricorns weaknesses are that of being short tempered. At times introvert, and slightly obstinate.


People who were born between January 21 and February 19 have Aquarius sign. Water bearer is their sign; air is its element, and a ruling planet of Uranus.

Their strengths include kindness, practicality, intelligence, friendliness, and compassionate. Their weaknesses are being adamant, unpredictable, and dislike in making commitments.


The Pisces person is born between February 20 and March 20. Fish is its sign, water is the element, and Neptune is its ruling planet. Pisces strengths are sharp memory, disinterest in material things, intuitiveness, and empathy. The weaknesses are wistfulness, inflexibility, mood swings, and sensitive.

Concluding About Astrology and It’s Power

It goes without saying astrology is a powerful tool to guide you in life. Now its time to experience it for yourself. By claiming a free report today.

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