benefits of positive thinking


8 ways to have more joy in life9 Ways to Feel More Joy in Life Starting Today

“Find joy in everything you choose to do. Every job, relationship, home… it’s your responsibility to love it, or change it.” —Chuck Palahniuk

Articles about finding joy and happiness are confusing. Every one of them says different things. Joy is something we cannot buy however we can feel more joy by practicing activities starting today!

In this article we talk about 9 activities that will put us on the path to more joy.

If you want to actively pursue happiness and joy.

Before we begin, you learn more about the Wired For Joy Program Here 

Wire Yourself for More Joy with these 9 activities

1. Laughter

Really take the time to savor every moment of laughter. Feel the joy rushing through you. Laugh it out. Don’t take that moment for granted, but savor it.

At times when you’re feeling low… Remember these moments when laughter bring you joy.

These moments will be your anchor to keep going strong and closer to happiness.

2. Smile -smiling evokes joy

Yes, we laugh and smile because we’re feeling good. But it can also work the other way around. Smiling lets us instantly feel more joy.  Even is we fake it our muscles send signals to the brain of happiness.

When you’re feeling less than happy, try to make a way to make yourself smile. Have a cup of tea, watch a funny video. There’s one research I’ve heard or seen somewhere that putting a pencil in between your teeth…

Therefore making your face do a smiling gesture…

Makes you ‘feel’ happier. Don’t believe me? Then try it!

3. Create ‘happiness routines’ to experience more joy

Everything will run smoothly if it’s systematized. Families, businesses and life in general seems to flow better when there is a plan in place. While some people thrive on spontaneity other people can feel empty without a plan or purpose.

Make a ‘happiness routine’, by doing activities every day such as the 9 in this article.

Your happiness routine should include healthy activities…

Some of which I’ll be discussing more later. Basically, your happiness routine will make you feel fulfilled when you’ve done them correctly.

It will start your day right, and if you manage to keep that momentum going… You’ll feel that you’re in a state of happiness throughout the day.

Even if the day throws something unexpected at you… You’ll be able to handle them with grace.

This routine can be done in the morning ideally, but you can also have happiness routine in the evening…

This is so you’re better prepared for the next day.

4. Exercise to feel good

Exercise is something you can add to your happiness routine. There are countless studies on how exercise can make your happiness chemicals fire (dopamine, endorphins, etc.).

When you include exercise to your happiness routine, you’ll greatly enjoy the benefits. Not to mention it will also make you healthier.

An 8-minute exercise will work. As long as you can get your heart beating faster and get a little sweat out…

It doesn’t matter if it’s 5 minutes or 8 minutes or 30 minutes…

Although yes, the longer the better, but consistency is more important.

5. Eat the good foods

If you think eating can’t make you happier, think again…

The right nutrients can help your brain fire up more happiness chemicals. There are studies linking diet and exercise to depression. And there’s a reason why.

With that said, I’m not here to tell you what to eat… You already know what’s nutritious and what’s not.

The Mediterranean diet is one that is known to have these positive effects.

6. Nurture your relationships

Stress in the family equals stress in your life. Make sure your relationships are always in check. This can be really helpful.

Taking care of your relationship means putting in the effort. The effort to make the people in your life as happy as possible.

This is easier said than done. You might have resentments against each other…

Unsolved issues and problems… Or maybe sometimes you can’t handle arguments well, etc. There can be a lot of issues. But without resolving all these, that icky feeling will stay and even be a block to you experience joy in your life.

7. Get into gratitude

Be grateful for what you have in your life now. Take a few moments every day to really savor what makes you happy and give thanks for it.

It could be waking up in a warm bed, enjoying a hot cup of cocoa while watching the world go by, walking with your dog in the fresh air, or simply being healthy.

When you create feelings of gratitude, you change the feeling in your heart. Just think what effect having a heart bursting with gratitude can have on your mind and your body!

8. Spend time with happy people

A healthy environment that supports your desire is important. This applies to everything. If you want to get financially ahead, spend more time with people who are financially doing well.

Listening to well meaning advice of people who aren’t where you are will only diminish your chances.

This applies to happiness too.

People who always complain and whine will spread negativity like a virus. Guard yourself. Your happiness is important.

This doesn’t mean you’ll stop seeing these people…

But you can try ‘loving them from afar’ or simply spend less time with them.

9. Practice mindfulness to feel more joy

This is also another thing to add to feel more joy.

Mindfulness increases your ability to deal with stress and focus on the present. By doing so, you’ll be more capable of unneeded stress of the past and anxiety of the present. Learn how to do mindfulness meditation. That’s the best way to practice mindfulness.

If you are ready to start feeling more joy today, then check out the Wired For Joy Program Here <<